This outing was really fun!! Know a lot of interesting few frenz.. they are really nice , frenzly and socialable!! I love spending times with them.. but i think the impression that i left on time would be - i am so NOISY, as i talk non-stop!! haha~
Have a few bruises on both my hands now.. all because of the volleyball game.. the guys hit the ball so hard!! Or maybe coz i nv really play volleyball before, so not used to it yet.. Playing freesbie (dunno how to spell) together with volleyball was really confusing..and a lot of the times, you get both of them coming to u and u dun know what to do.. there was once the volleyball ran onto the road and i was suppose to take it back.. i shouted when the ball rolls onto the road.. and they thought i was hit by a car! Thank goodness it didn't happen!
Food was also great - the salad was exceptionally nice!! It was with thousand island sauce, tuna, prawn, avocardo, cheery tomatoes and lettuce =) I must try making it one day! So delicious! The taste is simply heavenly!! The lamb cutlets that Khoon prepared are also very well-done..i love the taste.. no lamb smells, very tender, juicy and succulent!! I would love to have more if possible!!
The night ended with a chat at Zellini's cafe. I ordered a hot chocolate and it was really TOO SWEET!! Please do not order hot chocolate if u r there.. it is simply WORSE!! I guess going Lindt is so so so much better.. I would really fail their hot chocolate if possible.. i can'teven finish it!! And you know what?? Look at the picture below!! One bowl of rice is $5!! Isn't it similar to Daylight robbery?? I was thinking.. What is their rice made of?? Is it the golden rice?? I am not been mean.. i mean the golden rice that is orangy and high in carotene.. there is really such things!! Haha.. you know what i mean!!
Seriously, i think i need to thank Khoon for organising the BBQ, all the rest for the company and Nelson for the chocolate drink!! I really look forward to meeting them again! They are GREAT company!! Esp there are Jay Chou and Lee Hom fans toos =) Hope we really become 3 sisters too!! haha =P
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