Thursday, December 20, 2007
Dinner @ Ben's Thai!!
Thank you so much! My frenz!!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
8hrs of KTV @ Big Echo~
Going to KTV was quite a last minute decision.. It was like i was chatting with stffy and then suddenly talk about going to K.. then we say - if Constance (my temp. housemate who just touchdown on the 18th Dec) wanna go to K, then we shall go together.. It will be a very nice way to entertain our guest too =)
BABS X'mas Party!!
First of all, it was stated that the event was held at the Randwick bowling club.. so i thought it was at the one at Belmore road... When i reach there with student no. 1 (Kevin), we realised that no one was there!! Then we decided to call the others to check if there are bowling club around and then we discovered that it is about 15 mins walk away.. so no choice... we have to walk there.. i still remember that i was very hungry at that moment.. so it was really torturous for me to walk for another 15mins.. Finally, we reached the bowling club, and to my surprise, their bowling are so different!! I think my general knowledge is really too low... haha...
The picture directly above shows the ground where they play their bowling.. it is different from what i played in Singapore as there are no fixed lanes.. What they do - if i am not wrong - is that they will throw a white ball out onto the end of the field, and then throw a 'bowling ball' (about 1/3 of the bowling ball we know) to attempt hitting the white ball.. Not too sure what are the rules because we didn't played that day.. haha...
As the party started a little late, i decided to go out of the club to wander a little.. i saw a fire station so i decided to take a photo of it.. there is also quite a nice bunch of flowers around.. so i just take it too..
The most exciting part of the X'mas party was on the FOOD!! I am CAT!! so food is my priority!! I LOVE FOOD!!! haha.. the meal was quite splendid.. there was lobsters and prawns.. turkey breast, hams, garden salad, potato salad etc etc.. can't remember so much now.. juz remember that the food was fabulous... It is really worth the $15 that we paid for the party!! Yum yum... are you drooling now??? hehe...
The party ended off with some Trivia quizzes.. seriously, i can't answer any of those questions!! it is SO difficult.. i am really lousy with my general knowledge..haha.. Weisheng and some of the other teammates were really good.. without them, i think i would have scored ZERO!! haha.. as i i think i should play my part, i get alex to help me!! The winner of the "Guess the year" section will win a ferrero rocher.. seriously, we thought we would have won with Alex help.. but in the end, we still got 2 questions wrong.. What's wrong with google?? Haha.. I think what matters most was the fun, so it is alright that we didn't win the Ferrero Rocher - i really want to eat though!! haha..
It was really a tiring day.. and after i reached home, i received Kevin and Kuan sms and call that there is meteor showers.. and so we went to watch it.. if you want to know the details, you can see my post on sunrise and meteor was really a very nice experience.. do have a look!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Fun Day @ Coogee!!
This outing was really fun!! Know a lot of interesting few frenz.. they are really nice , frenzly and socialable!! I love spending times with them.. but i think the impression that i left on time would be - i am so NOISY, as i talk non-stop!! haha~
Have a few bruises on both my hands now.. all because of the volleyball game.. the guys hit the ball so hard!! Or maybe coz i nv really play volleyball before, so not used to it yet.. Playing freesbie (dunno how to spell) together with volleyball was really confusing..and a lot of the times, you get both of them coming to u and u dun know what to do.. there was once the volleyball ran onto the road and i was suppose to take it back.. i shouted when the ball rolls onto the road.. and they thought i was hit by a car! Thank goodness it didn't happen!
Food was also great - the salad was exceptionally nice!! It was with thousand island sauce, tuna, prawn, avocardo, cheery tomatoes and lettuce =) I must try making it one day! So delicious! The taste is simply heavenly!! The lamb cutlets that Khoon prepared are also very well-done..i love the taste.. no lamb smells, very tender, juicy and succulent!! I would love to have more if possible!!
The night ended with a chat at Zellini's cafe. I ordered a hot chocolate and it was really TOO SWEET!! Please do not order hot chocolate if u r there.. it is simply WORSE!! I guess going Lindt is so so so much better.. I would really fail their hot chocolate if possible.. i can'teven finish it!! And you know what?? Look at the picture below!! One bowl of rice is $5!! Isn't it similar to Daylight robbery?? I was thinking.. What is their rice made of?? Is it the golden rice?? I am not been mean.. i mean the golden rice that is orangy and high in carotene.. there is really such things!! Haha.. you know what i mean!!
Seriously, i think i need to thank Khoon for organising the BBQ, all the rest for the company and Nelson for the chocolate drink!! I really look forward to meeting them again! They are GREAT company!! Esp there are Jay Chou and Lee Hom fans toos =) Hope we really become 3 sisters too!! haha =P
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Sunrise and Meteor Showers @ Coogee
I am about to go back to SG in 6 months and i am really upset for the fact that i can't see them as often as i can now.. but on the other hand, i miss singapore too.. hai.. hate to feel like a hamburger!! Hai!!!
Oh ya.. i forgot to mention.. before the sun rises, i wanted to go to the washroom.. but then i remember that the toilet here are usually locked at night.. as it was a little urgent, i decided to try my luck.. thankfully, i found a toilet nearby but there was no light in the cubicle at all.. As i am really scared of dark, i ask Kuan to talk to me while i am inside the toilet.. I was really freak out till i don't dare to say anything much.. there was also trickling sound coming from the toilet, - really very eerie..
In the morning, i decided to go and take a picture of the leftover food and the scary washroom to keep as a momento.. Along the way home, i saw the 'quiet' coogee and decided to take a picture of it.. All these are going to be in my memory~ I will cherish it for the rest of my life!
Thank you my dear frenz!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Power Shutdown in Biological Sciences Building!
Hai.. I am so un-motivated in doing lab work recently.. wonder what have i eaten wrongly?? Perhaps i need some push from ppl before i can get my ball rolling again.. During the power shut-down today, i went to Kuan's place to have lunch! coz he got a Zinger for me!! Hooray!! As the power was shut for 2 hours ++, we decided to watch a movie before going back to the lab.. We watched the 'Amazing Grace' if i am not wrong... hehe.. the movie was quite funny and i would say it is far better than the Mr Beans Holiday!! LOL.. I guess maybe some ppl may disagree with me but i really have to say that Mr Beans was really boring.. At least for Amazing Grace, i did laugh in the show.. haha.. hmm.. i would give it a 3.5/5 stars for my own taste!
One of the worst movie i ever watched!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007
As promised earlier on, i will upload 彩虹! This is the 第二波主打 from the latest album - Jay on the run: 牛仔很忙!I think his songs are really nice!! Never failed his fans for all his albums!! It is really rare to see that all songs in an album are good.. i will say - at least 80% of Jay's songs in an album are good! Everyone songs are like 主打 !! Though his album is just released a month ago, i am hoping for the next one already.. waiting for new surprises!!
Jay!! 加油!Your songs are one of the best!! Don't you agree??
I have been listening to this song for the past 48hours!! It is really awesome!! One of Jay Chou latest songs!! I wanted to upload another song in to this post but apparently it was not allowed.. so i got no choice.. Maybe i will post it up on another post later on.. Enjoy listening to the song k?? How i wish i can go KTV now!!!! hehe~
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Succulent & Juicy Roast Duck!!
Look at the pictures!!
But dun worry.. you can get this from the B.B.Q. King in the city near Chinatown!! Of coz it cannot be compared to those from Singapore but it is still very nice!! Thanks Stffy!!! I havent been eating roast duck for a few months already!!! This has made me really excited juz now!!! Sorry that the pictures aren't very clear because my hands were all oily when i took the pictures - didn't want to make my camera oily so i didnt hold it properly... but nonetheless, i still wanna take the picture to keep as a momento!!
32 more days to Singapore!! Jiayou!!
Yeah!! Won 200 tokens from scratchie!!
Hehehehehe.. All thanks to the black magic tickets!! Next time i must buy it more often.. hehe.. or perhaps win liao shldnt buy already.. try to scratch other stuffs.. Think scratchie is the only thing that makes me so addicted to play facebook.. it is really fun and enjoying!! haha... anyone reading this post shld go and try too =)
Feeling so unwell this morning .. can't even crawl out of my own bed.. No strength at all.. Today in lab also very blur lor.. Adrian just on the autoclave and i thought it was done.. i even took out everything from the autoclave.. and they were NOT autoclaved.. how sotong can i get leh.. haha.. luckily i offered help to adrian in the corridor and we talk about autoclave.. if not i would have taken out his things and left it on the bench for a long long time.. haha.. thank gdness i saw him at the corridor!!
Recently so addicted to playing games.. hai.. now feel so bored at home now.. i wan to play game!!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Having a cold today~
Simple french toast for brunch!!
The thought of making french toast today comes from the eggs that my juniors and Bern and Nat give.. Since there are so many eggs at home, i should make full use of them.. Hence, i have decided to make french toast with it.. Using a really simple method to do.. No cinammon, no vanilla essence and no milk.. that's coz i dun have all those stuffs at home... if not, maybe i can make a more decent french toast!! Wahahaha..
Nonetheless, making the french toast makes me think of mama.. the one that he made for me is really good.. dunno is it coz it tastes really good or it was made by him... i guess it is both.. A bit burnt on some of the toast coz i was busy washing stuffs den i forgot about my toast in the oven.. I shld had used oil to fry the toast but decided to use the oven - for two reasons - healthier and also nv try b4 mah.. haha...
Though taste and appearance wise is not that fantastic nor appealing.. i am still looking forward to make it another time!! I really like the egg and bread taste in combination.. the pepperiness, sweetness and saltiness too... Hmm.. maybe i shld ask mama to make for me again when i am back..
Thinking of making egg-coated fried rice now.. that is another of my mama specialty.. really uniue and delicious.. since i got so much eggs now.. maybe i can consider frying..haha.. juz hope that mama is here la..then he can cook for me.. =)
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Miss HOME!!
Thanks goodness mama and jolin chatted with me for hours today.. if not, i think i will be really sianz.. with them, at least i wun feel so miserable.. Chatting with jolin about jasmine today... really worried about her.. it has been so long, since i last chatted with her on the phone.. though we emailed each other, but it is a very different feeling.. maybe the best is still i go back to Singapore.. Somehow she gave me a feeling that she is not very happy so i really hope to chat with her to follow up things in her life..
Jas b'dae is coming too.. but she doesnt seem very enthusiastic abt it.. wanted to plan a chalet and bbq with jolin for her.. but she rejected it.. hai... feel i am such a failure as a frenz manx.. she is my best frenz somemore... Hai..
Hmm.. today seems such a long day for me.. times is like crawling.. maybe i am somehow weird too .. when i had to do my outside interest, i complain and complain.. but right now.. nothing much to do and i am still COMPLAINING!! hahax...
Actually ar.. got a lot of lab work to plan and a lot of xmas cards to write.. but somehow i juz feel very lost.. dun wanna do anything like that.. feel like gg back to Singapore.. somehow feel that my life in Singapore is really different? a lot of activities, a lot of ppl around, a lot of things to do!!
Mama, really miss u alot wor.. thx for being such a great mama!! thx for waiting for me to go back.. i really hope that u will wait for me all the way, until i return to Sg for good... This makes me think abt PhD.. hai.. a bit sad that i may lose the opportunity of applying the PhD scholarship coz i wanna return to Singapore.. but i guess.. it is worth it.. For meh meh and mama, i think the best option is still returning to Singapore.. hanging on here may drift my relationships with wanna it to happen.. and also my best frenz etc.. i dun wanna have the chance to drift with them as well.. perhaps family and frenz are still more impt for me i guess. . Dunno la.. still got a long way to go and might not even get the scholarship..haha
34 more days to Singapore.. faster faster faster...
Friday, December 7, 2007
Win mama sudoku TWICE!!
But then the game really quite fun la.. make u to train ur brain..dunno y last time i purposely dun wanna play..hehe.. now then start playing it.. a bit too late le like that... :P
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Leaving sch to submit OIA!!!!
Oh no.. apparently, my OIA is kinda long... hope 白先生 is not going to deduct any marks becoz of that!!! And also, hope everything will be alright lor.. he is such a strict marker!!
Aiya..better go to sch now.. getting late!! Muz submit by 4pm!!! Only an hr plus left!!
36 more days to SG!!!
Chatting with Chuying and planning for the chalet now.. and finally, we had agreed on the date!! The chalet should be on the 1st feb to 2nd feb at downtown east!! Can't wait for that day to come.. where we can go to escape theme park..then wild wild wet too.. and MAFIA!!! WAHAHAAHA...
There are so many motivations for me to countdown now!! Hope time will move on faster now so i can get back to SG asap..i miss so many ppl.. mama.. meh best colleagues etc etc!!!! Juz wanna go back asap!!!
its only 36 more days to SG... I can do it!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Too bored till i start a blog..LOL
Suddenly feel that writing a blog is actually quite fun.. you can write everything you feel, everything you have done and every photos you have taken.. Most imptly, you may even share it with people!!
My poor memory always fails me.. so i guess writing a blog may be a good way for me to 'store' my memories.. in case anything happen to my brain again.. haha..
I guess the main reason why i started this blog may be due to my juniors.. I kinda wish that i had started this blog before they are here.. so that i can write about how i feel and upload all the photos that we have taken together! Though they are already back in Singapore, nothing is ever too late.. so i decided to set up this account.. pardon me for anyone who may be reading this blog because my english is really horrible.. you will see singlish flying around and also all the broken english as well. . hahaha~
It has been 4 days since Emily, Chuying, Thivyaa, Liqiu and Malcolm have left.. and i am still feeling very EMO.. guess i really miss them a lot.. With them around, times seem to move faster and are certainly more enjoyable..
They let me realise one thing - though i need to save $$ for whatever reason, i should still try to to spend as much time with ppl in Sydney right now! In 6 months' time, i am going to return to SG and everything is gonna change again.. i had to leave the frenz that i made here... Hai.. thinking about all these made me feel really sad.. Just hope that i get back on track asap and stop feeling sad...
Cat! 加油!