Yesterday was really a great day! Went out with the lab people.. Nico, Stefano, Laura, Sabine, Dom and his gf.. it was really enjoyable.. didn't really go out with the lab ppl before.. though we usually talk and joke around in the lab.. but the experience was really different and it was great too.. We went to Ayam Goreng 99 at Kingsford and ordered a lot of food.. their food was delicious.. especially their CHILLI!! SO HOT and POWERFUL!! hehe.. Dom and her bf really loves them .. but the rest try not to touch them.. oops.. i forgot Nico.. i am sure he loves those chilli too...
We really ordered quite alot of stuffs:
1. Ayam Goreng
2. Ayam Goreng (Javanese style)
3. Mushroom wrapped in banana leaves
4. Tofu wrapped in banana leaves
5. Beef Rendang (This was SOSOSO GOOOOOOOOOOD!!!)
6. Coconut rice
7. Some Durian drink (I was so scared of it..everyone tried except me.. am i an Asian?? hehe)
8. Tempe: Fermented beans
9. Sweet and Sour soup
10. Kang Kung...
WOW!! It is like a 10 course dinner!! So scrumptious.. don't know if i had used the correct to describe.. i am too lazy to check at the dictionary too.. hehe..
I had to get to lab tomorrow at 7am!! So EARLY!! And today.. i had worked from 10 plus am to 9 plus pm.. so long hours.. i think i should go and sleep soon.. Good night everyone!
I really love the lab... Everyone is so nice and friendly.. Really appreciate the help that they had given me!
Friday, March 21, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
GJ Article! Never seen it b4..

Oh my goodness... Malaysian??? I was laughing when i saw this.. maybe i should just convert my nationality..hehe.. but ok la.. they write MANY ...not ALL .. if not i will SUE them ar.. haha.. just joking.. fellow malaysian reading my blog.. please do not come and see me with a knife or a chopper...hehe..
This article is really interesting.. i must keep it as a momento.. =)
Thanks KeV!
A Great Day TodaY!!
Today is really a great day!! Everything went very very smoothly.. i never had this feeling for a long long time.. because my mass spec has been failing and failing and also, I don't even trust my own EM results.. however, after meeting rick today, he said that i should trust my own result and don't think too much.. I am really elated that he trusted me.. really really delighted!
Most importantly, after so many months.. finally.. my mass spec is working and there are some preliminary results.. i will do the data analysis tomorrow and see what happen.. but at least there are protein ID now.. Initially, i was so unsure.. the gel was so pale.. i was so scared that there weren't any proteins.. but thank GOD, there were.. really need to thank god.. Thank you!!
Hope that my subsequent will be alright and i really need the blessing.. I am only left with 5 weeks and I hope that i could at least have a replicate.. PLEASE!!!
Just hope that my experiment can go smoothly now... if not i will really start crying in the lab...
Most importantly, after so many months.. finally.. my mass spec is working and there are some preliminary results.. i will do the data analysis tomorrow and see what happen.. but at least there are protein ID now.. Initially, i was so unsure.. the gel was so pale.. i was so scared that there weren't any proteins.. but thank GOD, there were.. really need to thank god.. Thank you!!
Hope that my subsequent will be alright and i really need the blessing.. I am only left with 5 weeks and I hope that i could at least have a replicate.. PLEASE!!!
Just hope that my experiment can go smoothly now... if not i will really start crying in the lab...
Monday, March 17, 2008
A Hectic Day~
Today is really very hectic for me.. have been staying lab till late nights these few days.. so tired.. but the worse thing is..i am feeling really HUNGRRY now!! GRRR~~~
Wanted to join the rest for dinner tonight but didn't get a chance to... was caught in my SDS-PAGE.. juz hope that all the sacrifices were worth it.. Couldn't really know until mass spec is run.. though somehow, i do not dare to pin high hopes on it..
The day started with staining my gel that i had fixed overnight.. however, the gel looks really very very weird after i stain it.. i hardly feel lost when it comes to experiment (i think-sometime i do but maybe not as bad as today).. but today.. i am completely lost.. was staring at the gel till i didn't even have the mood to eat.. the cultures that i spent a month growing was also ignored.. wanted to do TFF for that 1L culture.. however, the gel came as a shock for me.. so i just decided.. i will forgo the TFF experiment and concentrate on my gel.. since i have a booking on wed and till now, i don't have any solid result to write in my thesis.. i guess it is more important to run my gels than doing other stuffs.. 30 more mins to go before my gel will finish running.. i hardly write blog when I am in Sg; however, i seem to be writing so much when i am in SYDNEY.. i guess i am really too bored.. nothing better to do.. hehe..
Pray that lord will grant me wisdom and luck.. 1.5 more month left! i really don't have any more time to spare...
Wanted to join the rest for dinner tonight but didn't get a chance to... was caught in my SDS-PAGE.. juz hope that all the sacrifices were worth it.. Couldn't really know until mass spec is run.. though somehow, i do not dare to pin high hopes on it..
The day started with staining my gel that i had fixed overnight.. however, the gel looks really very very weird after i stain it.. i hardly feel lost when it comes to experiment (i think-sometime i do but maybe not as bad as today).. but today.. i am completely lost.. was staring at the gel till i didn't even have the mood to eat.. the cultures that i spent a month growing was also ignored.. wanted to do TFF for that 1L culture.. however, the gel came as a shock for me.. so i just decided.. i will forgo the TFF experiment and concentrate on my gel.. since i have a booking on wed and till now, i don't have any solid result to write in my thesis.. i guess it is more important to run my gels than doing other stuffs.. 30 more mins to go before my gel will finish running.. i hardly write blog when I am in Sg; however, i seem to be writing so much when i am in SYDNEY.. i guess i am really too bored.. nothing better to do.. hehe..
Pray that lord will grant me wisdom and luck.. 1.5 more month left! i really don't have any more time to spare...
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Oh ya.. back to the show.. Generally.. the show was ok.. i will give it around 3.5/5 stars.. It can be seen that the investment for this show is somehow huge...with all the animation and also the settings.. Actually, i went in to see the show before I even know what the show was about.. Coz Kuan was saying that the show looks nice.. so we decided to go.. but the most impressive thing about the whole movie trip was the cinema it self.. NOT the show.. LOL..
The cinema seat was really comfortable.. it was really big and comfortable.. very wide and spacious.. The cinema screen was also HUGE.. and it is concave.. really interesting.. but because we went to the cinema late.. we need to seat like 5 rows from the front.. so I am REALLY NEAR the screen.. my neck hurts after the show.. coz i need to turn and turn and hold my head up.. hehe..
After the show, i actually wanted to go for some desserts.. but didn't dare to say.. Coz everyone looks kind of tired and not interested in any after event, so i guess it is better to go home.. I remember it was already 11.15pm.. and we need to all go to school or work tomorrow..
Hmm..this post is kind of long.. maybe i should stop here =)
Wanted to talk about the scrumptous but cheap dinner at the Taiwanese restuarant.. maybe another time then...
P.S. Going to buy air tickets for my parents and sis and mama to come.. so excited!!! Finally the trip is confirmed! The $$ i had saved is worth it! Hope the trip is going to be GREAT! I am sure it will!!
Another day in lab~ What do you want in life?
Hmm.. another long day in lab again.. though i will only be in school for 2-3hrs because i only need to run a gel.. but in the end.. it took me about 6 hours.. spend a few hours trying to concentrate my proteins.. wonder how my protein gel will look like tomorrow... hopefully the bands will be intense enough for me to do mass spec.. and also.. that the 3 supernatants have about the same intensity. in that case, i will need to worry much anymore..
Only about 1.5 months before the end of honours.. suprisingly, i am not as panicked and worried as i thought i will be.. still kind of slow in doing things.. though sometime i feel the heat that I am only left with 1.5months but most of the time, i put it behind me.. think i really mean what i say - there are more important things in life than just a honours..
I understand that pursuing for good grades in studies are very important, but then, at the end of the day, what do you really get? Are you really happy? Does getting a A or a B really change your life drastically? Seriously.. i don't think that grades or even a doctorate or so are that important anymore.. It may make my life smoother.. but not necessary also depends what i want in life.. To me, people around me are more important.. so i guess that should be my main focus.. of course, do my best in my work too =) Having said this, it doesn't mean that i can forget about all my work because that it is not the main focus! It is just that i had learn to let go even more...
Weisheng says that i am very different after the trip back from Singapore.. I wonder if i really changed that much.. He said that i am a happier person.. and maybe by letting more things go.. i am happier? seriously, i do not even know the truth.. i do not even understand myself now..
Only about 1.5 months before the end of honours.. suprisingly, i am not as panicked and worried as i thought i will be.. still kind of slow in doing things.. though sometime i feel the heat that I am only left with 1.5months but most of the time, i put it behind me.. think i really mean what i say - there are more important things in life than just a honours..
I understand that pursuing for good grades in studies are very important, but then, at the end of the day, what do you really get? Are you really happy? Does getting a A or a B really change your life drastically? Seriously.. i don't think that grades or even a doctorate or so are that important anymore.. It may make my life smoother.. but not necessary also depends what i want in life.. To me, people around me are more important.. so i guess that should be my main focus.. of course, do my best in my work too =) Having said this, it doesn't mean that i can forget about all my work because that it is not the main focus! It is just that i had learn to let go even more...
Weisheng says that i am very different after the trip back from Singapore.. I wonder if i really changed that much.. He said that i am a happier person.. and maybe by letting more things go.. i am happier? seriously, i do not even know the truth.. i do not even understand myself now..
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Gathering at Rick's place!!
Today was really hectic!! came to lab in the morning.. work and work..till ard 4pm and i was not done yet.. suppose to meet Charmaine at 4.15pm but i was still doing filtration.. didnt understand why it takes so long this time.. coz the previous time was pretty quick.. therefore, in the end, only managed to leave school ard 5pm.. haha... (we are suppose to reach at 5pm) =P
When we reach there, i was SOO HUNGRY!!! but now.. i am so full..can imagine what are the good food there??? hehe.. .tell you about it (so sad that i didnt bring a camera)... There were:
1. Tom yum beehoon (Charmaine)
2. Brownies and cheese (Sabine)
3. German beers (Olli)
4. Wines (Tim)
5. Pies (Don't know from who?)
6. Indonesian ... (cannot rem what it is called: from nico)
7. Gado-gado (Lily)
8. Prawn Cassava? (Flavia)
9. 2 Parlovas (Dom and Kristen)
10. Fried rice (unknown)
11. Tandorri Chicken (Sohail)
WAH... hope i didnt miss out anything!! hehe... there were really GREAT food.. i bet everyone brought their best dishes..hehe!! really enjoyed the food.. though i was full.. i didnt stop eating.. juz eat and eat.. till i cant take it.. then it was time to come back to lab and suffer again..
Now i am still in lab..and it is almost 1am... it is really horrible to do all these.. all these late nights in school.. however, if it is going to give me results, i really don't mind... but most of the time, my results are.... oh god... pls help me!! If not, i really don't know how i can write my thesis...
Another 2 more hours in lab at least.. hope that it will end quickly.. think i shant be lazy tonight.. i should just call the security to pick me up! will call them 10mins earlier as there's often a waiting time of 15mins..
Promise that i will get some photos up soon.. havent been taking pictures for my blog!! Maybe put up my gels if it runs well.. but dunno if i can..hehe...
When we reach there, i was SOO HUNGRY!!! but now.. i am so full..can imagine what are the good food there??? hehe.. .tell you about it (so sad that i didnt bring a camera)... There were:
1. Tom yum beehoon (Charmaine)
2. Brownies and cheese (Sabine)
3. German beers (Olli)
4. Wines (Tim)
5. Pies (Don't know from who?)
6. Indonesian ... (cannot rem what it is called: from nico)
7. Gado-gado (Lily)
8. Prawn Cassava? (Flavia)
9. 2 Parlovas (Dom and Kristen)
10. Fried rice (unknown)
11. Tandorri Chicken (Sohail)
WAH... hope i didnt miss out anything!! hehe... there were really GREAT food.. i bet everyone brought their best dishes..hehe!! really enjoyed the food.. though i was full.. i didnt stop eating.. juz eat and eat.. till i cant take it.. then it was time to come back to lab and suffer again..
Now i am still in lab..and it is almost 1am... it is really horrible to do all these.. all these late nights in school.. however, if it is going to give me results, i really don't mind... but most of the time, my results are.... oh god... pls help me!! If not, i really don't know how i can write my thesis...
Another 2 more hours in lab at least.. hope that it will end quickly.. think i shant be lazy tonight.. i should just call the security to pick me up! will call them 10mins earlier as there's often a waiting time of 15mins..
Promise that i will get some photos up soon.. havent been taking pictures for my blog!! Maybe put up my gels if it runs well.. but dunno if i can..hehe...
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Another boring day!
Hai.. it is another boring day again.. Nothing much to do again.. just went to sch to inoculate cells and that's it.. BORED!
Watched SawII yesterday night.. though it is an old show but it is really nice.. interesting concept and plot ..however.. it is very gruesome and bloody.. so i must definitely watch Saw III and IV with someone else.. at least got someone that i can complain to.. HAhahaha...
Feeling really troubled about my Convo trip.. so many ups and downs during the planning stage.. hope that it can be finalised soon so that i dont have to think about it anymore.. spent too much tears on this matter le..
Watched SawII yesterday night.. though it is an old show but it is really nice.. interesting concept and plot ..however.. it is very gruesome and bloody.. so i must definitely watch Saw III and IV with someone else.. at least got someone that i can complain to.. HAhahaha...
Feeling really troubled about my Convo trip.. so many ups and downs during the planning stage.. hope that it can be finalised soon so that i dont have to think about it anymore.. spent too much tears on this matter le..
8 hrs of KTVing at Big Echo!
Too bad there isnt any photos for this post.. because i didn't expect that kevin won't bring a camera!! If not, it will be really great to see some pictures!
The day started with me bring late for 45 mins and Weisheng was so pissed off.. I really didn't mean to be late but lucky everything was resolved in the end.. WS will nv be angry for a long period of time..LOL.. We bought Emily present at H2O and i really hope that she really likes the present that we got for her - though it is kinda late as her bdae was 4 days ago.. =X
Zhijun was really a great companion when it comes to singing.. she loves rapping and i love it too.. and mircarly, our voices didnt clash when we sing together.. coz usually, i always destroy ppl singing.. i started to dislike singing when i feel that i always destroy ppl songs.. last time back in SG.. though i have been destroying songs, but the feeling was different.. everyone was singing for fun.. but here, somehow i feel that ppl are singing much more seriously.. so i got really self-consious and wun feel like singing anymore.. coz i know i am lousy at singing.. hai. .sad to say that.. maybe i shld brush up a little by joining a choir - perhaps i cant even get in one!! HAHAHA..
The korean food at 大长今 was quite nice.. though i think that Madang pancake was much better! However, i do like their BBQ items.. i think the marination was simply tasty! looks like i miss out a lot of good food in Sydney. .should actually go out more often and try more things .. dun wanna regret ...
The day started with me bring late for 45 mins and Weisheng was so pissed off.. I really didn't mean to be late but lucky everything was resolved in the end.. WS will nv be angry for a long period of time..LOL.. We bought Emily present at H2O and i really hope that she really likes the present that we got for her - though it is kinda late as her bdae was 4 days ago.. =X
Zhijun was really a great companion when it comes to singing.. she loves rapping and i love it too.. and mircarly, our voices didnt clash when we sing together.. coz usually, i always destroy ppl singing.. i started to dislike singing when i feel that i always destroy ppl songs.. last time back in SG.. though i have been destroying songs, but the feeling was different.. everyone was singing for fun.. but here, somehow i feel that ppl are singing much more seriously.. so i got really self-consious and wun feel like singing anymore.. coz i know i am lousy at singing.. hai. .sad to say that.. maybe i shld brush up a little by joining a choir - perhaps i cant even get in one!! HAHAHA..
The korean food at 大长今 was quite nice.. though i think that Madang pancake was much better! However, i do like their BBQ items.. i think the marination was simply tasty! looks like i miss out a lot of good food in Sydney. .should actually go out more often and try more things .. dun wanna regret ...
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Do i really look like a Malaysian??

Then our flight is suppose to transit at Brisbane and because of all the events that happen in SG, i didn't have the time to but gifts for Lily and Rick. Hence, i decided to get wine for them.. At the DFS, i told the cashier that i took a flight from SINGAPORE and i am making a transit now to sydney.. i even pass him my PASSPORT!! Then when i look at my receipt, it states that my nationality is MALAYSIA!!
OH MY GOODNESS!! Do i really look a malaysian so much.. i even tell him that i took a flight from Singapore!! and i wanted to pass him my passport!! I can't imagine manx.. what happen if i take the flight with the goods and then the aircrew checked and say it don't belong to me!
To be truthful, sometimes i really agree.. haha..
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Back to Australia... =(
My dear blog.. it has been more than a month since i visit you.. I was really busy in SG.. Don't even have time to check definitely no time for blog at all.. dunno y.. whether in SG or aus..there are 24hrs a day.. but when i am in aus.. the 24hrs like super long.. but when i am in SG.. there is always not much time at all... 24 hrs become like 12hours only.. or maybe even less..
Hai.. only left with 3.5 months before the final submission of my thesis and after that.. i will be getting ready to go back to SG.. i will definitely make myself super busy so that time can fly ... with the 3.5months left over here, i will also try to maximise all my time..whether is for work or for frenz.. i hope to cherish everyone and everything that i have in life.. esp. my parents, sister, mama and frenz...
i already start to miss all of them...
Hai.. only left with 3.5 months before the final submission of my thesis and after that.. i will be getting ready to go back to SG.. i will definitely make myself super busy so that time can fly ... with the 3.5months left over here, i will also try to maximise all my time..whether is for work or for frenz.. i hope to cherish everyone and everything that i have in life.. esp. my parents, sister, mama and frenz...
i already start to miss all of them...
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